You can also report unauthorized idling vehicles for which a letter will be mailed to the registered owner of the idling vehicle, stating that his/her vehicle was anonymously reported for idling, along with information on local idling rules and benefits of not idling. In addition, the information reported may also be shared with local law enforcement agencies to inform them of possible areas of frequent idling occurrences.
Submit an Idling Complaint
Take our survey and give us feedback on NCTCOG Idle Reduction Strategies for us to better serve our region.
NCTCOG Idle Reduction Strategies Survey
The Texas Clean Air Working Group (TCAWG) Idling Reduction Subcommittee works to address vehicle idling statewide. Work includes changing legislation that encourages idle reduction, developing strategies to reduce idling, and sharing information that will help better understand the idling problem in Texas to come up with solutions that work.
Join the TCAWG Idling Reduction Subcommittee.
Take the pledge to reduce idling in your fleet! Send a copy of your signed pledge and be recognized by NCTCOG Engine Off North Texas.
Take the Pledge