Transit Asset Management (TAM)
Transit Asset Management (TAM) is a broad system for monitoring and managing the condition of public transportation assets. A core component of TAM is four required performance measures:
- Equipment: Percentage of nonrevenue vehicles met or exceeded Useful Life Benchmark
- Rolling Stock: Percentage of revenue vehicles met or exceeded Useful Life Benchmark
- Infrastructure: Percentage of track segments with performance restrictions
- Facilities: Percentage of assets with condition rating below 3.0 on FTA TERM Scale
Transit providers establish targets for these measures annually, and MPOs like NCTCOG establish regional targets every four years. NCTCOG is currently preparing for target-setting action on these measures in Fall 2022. The Transit Management and Planning team coordinates this measure.
Committee Action and Targets
July 2022 STTC Information on TAM and PTASP Targets
April 2021 RTC Information on TAM and PTASP Targets
Additional Information
FTA Transit Asset Management Home
FTA Performance-Based Planning Home
FTA Fact Sheet on TAM processes and required performance measures
FAQ on MPO Responsibilities for TAM and PTASP
TAM in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): 49 CFR 625
Staff Contacts
TAM Measures: Ezra Pratt
General Federal Performance Measure Coordination: Chris Klaus, Jenny Narvaez, and James McLane