Regional Building Codes
Relevant Committees
Since 1967, the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) has actively promoted the standardization of model construction codes in an effort to simplify the construction process, advance the safety of building systems, promote common code interpretation, facilitate the mobility of contractors, and reduce training and construction costs.
Regional Codes Coordinating Committee (RCCC) and its five Advisory Boards comprised of local public and private code professionals continually review the latest editions of the model construction codes and recommend uniform amendments for the North Central Texas region.
The RCCC and its five code advisory boards encourage the adoption of NCTCOG recommended model codes and regional amendments to reduce the variation of local construction codes in the region. By encouraging cities to adopt standardized codes and regional amendments, NCTCOG has helped North Central Texas municipalities reduce the cost of training codes personnel. These efforts have also made it easier for contractors, builders, and developers to do work from city to city throughout the region, thereby reducing overall construction costs.
The RCCC reviews the International Codes and the National Electrical Code when new editions are released, but not when supplements are released. Most recently, the committees completed their review of the 2021 International Codes and the 2020 National Electrical Code.