Instructor Recruitment Initiative

banner that says "Help Wanted"NCTCOG is committed to the continued successful implementation of TIM training courses, and to recruiting and securing highly qualified and motivated instructor for this training. As an indication of our commitment to this program, NCTCOG has implemented an Instructor Incentive Initiative. This initiative allows three options to provide instructor/agency support for TIM training:

  1. NCTCOG is willing to reimburse the instructor's agency for their tie spent teaching the course
  2. NCTCOG is willing to reimburse the instructor directly
  3. NCTCOG will allow the instructor's agency to donate the instructor's time to teach this course

If you are interested in serving as an instructor, refer to the information below.

Instructor Qualifications
Instructor Resume Coversheet
Instructor Agreement
Traffic Incident Management First Responder and Managers Class Schedule 
For other courses offered by NCTCOG, visit the Training and Development Institute web page.