Try Telecommuting
Telecommuting can eliminate a work trip completely by bringing the job to the person instead of the person to the job. In short, you work from home or a remote location close to home. Existing technology allows this alternative commute option to be efficient, easy, and effective. Employees can be linked to the workplace by computer or can do work that requires nothing more than a telephone. Telecommuting does not have to be an everyday occurrence; telecommuting once a week can still produce positive result. Telecommuting typically is right for employees that:
- have tasks that can be done at home
- need little face-to-face contact with customers
- are sales or field workers
- have access to the equipment they need to work at home
- are self-starters
- can work with little supervision
- don't need to be around people every day
Benefits of Telecommuting
- Save money by reducing commuting costs
- Allows a more flexible work arrangement for employees, thereby increasing their productivity
- Improved work environment
- Increase employment opportunities
- Reduce absenteeism and sick leave
- Reduce traffic congestion and air pollution
Although telecommuting may not be an option for all commuters, if your employer has an established telecommute program, then it’s definitely worth trying. Contact your employer’s Human Resources Department to determine if telecommuting is an available option.