Single-Occupancy Vehicle Trip Reduction Target

Regional Single-Occupancy Vehicle Trip Reduction Target Resolution

The North Central Texas region experienced reductions in traffic congestion and improvements in air quality due to changes in traffic and commute patterns during COVID-19 restrictions. The NCTCOG Travel Demand Management (TDM) Program assessed the impact of establishing a regional trip reduction target to reduce single-occupancy vehicle (SOV) or drive alone commute trips during peak travel periods to sustain the positive benefits of changes in travel behavior on congestion experienced during the pandemic,
The Regional Transportation Council (RTC) approved RTC Resolution R21-04: Resolution Supporting the establishment of a Regional Single-Occupancy Vehicle Trip Reduction Target to Reduce Drive Alone Vehicle Trips in North Central Texas: Sustaining Benefits of Changes in Travel Behavior on Congestion Levels Experienced During COVID-19 on June 10, 2021.  The resolution established an annual target to reduce SOV commute trips by 20 percent with the target maintained each year. Because TDM is not a one size fits all solution, all TDM strategies including carpooling, vanpooling, transit, biking, walking, telecommuting, and flexible work schedules are encouraged to achieve the regional target. Its success is contingent upon solid public support, promotion, and involvement.
Components of the Regional Single-Occupancy Vehicle (SOV) Trip Reduction Target Resolution are detailed below.  

  • Section 1.       The Regional Transportation Council supports the establishment of a regional trip reduction target of 20 percent to reduce the number of single-occupancy vehicle (SOV) commute trips during the peak period.
  •  Section 2.        The Regional Transportation Council strongly encourages both public and private sector employers to reduce employees’ SOV trips consistent with Section 1 of this resolution through the establishment of a formal Employee Commute Program.
  •  Section 3.       The Regional Transportation Council strongly encourages both public and private sector employers to monitor and track agency participation of the Program through an online commute tracking platform. 
  •  Section 4.       To aid in Program tracking and monitoring activities, both public and private sector agencies are strongly encouraged to utilize, the region’s commute tracking and ride-matching website and application. Employers may utilize an existing tracking platform comparable to Try Parking It for this purpose.
  •  Section 5.       For public sector agencies, the Regional Transportation Council will evaluate the agency’s participation and implementation of the Program through a new policy established as part of the Metropolitan Transportation Plan Policy Bundles.  Non-participation may impact the level of Transportation Development Credits received through the Policy Bundle Survey process.
  •  Section 6.       For private sector agencies, the Regional Transportation Council will monitor the agency’s participation and implementation of the Program through or a comparable tracking platform.  Participation may result in awarding regional funding for TDM-related efforts e.g., transit passes).
  •  Section 7.       NCTCOG staff will provide the Regional Transportation Council with annual updates on the status of the Regional Trip Reduction target to reduce SOV commute trips. Reported performance measures shall include Try Parking It utilization rates, number of users, trips reduced, and emissions reduced.
  •  Section 8.       This resolution shall be in effect immediately upon its adoption.

Regional Transportation Council Resolution R21-04
Model Resolution Template (Coming Soon)

For more information, please contact or  Sonya Landrum.