2017-2018 CMAQ/STBG Funding Program

The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) funds air quality or transit projects that address attainment of National Ambient Air Quality standards in non-attainment areas. Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) funds mobility and air quality projects that address transportation needs within Metropolitan Area boundaries with populations greater than 200,000.

In April 2017, NCTCOG presented a process to select CMAQ/STBG projects via several funding programs to the Regional Transportation Council (RTC). The individual funding programs include:

Federal/Local Funding Exchanges

Purpose: To increase regional revenues through the exchange of federal funds and local funding. This effort establishes Phases 3 and 4 of the RTC/Local program.
RTC Action Items  

Automated Vehicle Program

Purpose: To advance automated vehicle testing, infrastructure, and deployment in the region.

Round 1
RTC Action Item – Approved April 2017
Round 2

RTC Action Item - Approved October 2018  

Strategic Partnerships

Purpose: To coordinate and develop partnerships with local agencies to help fund high-priority projects, leverage non-RTC funds, and advance project development.

Round 1
RTC Action Items
Round 2

RTC Action Item - Approved June 2018
Round 3

RTC Action Item - Approved December 2018  

Planning and Other Studies

Purpose: To provide funding for planning and feasibility studies to examine future project scenarios.
RTC Action Item – Coordinated approval with the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) action in July 2017.  

10-Year Plan / Proposition 1 Adjustments

Purpose: Designated to fund any cost overruns on Proposition 1 projects not already handled through the 10-Year Plan effort, and to make adjustments to 10-Year Plan projects due to timing and inflation.
North Central Texas Regional 10-Year Plan
Proposition 1 Funding Program

Sustainable Development Phase 4: Turnback Program, Context Sensitive, Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Projects

Purpose: To support sustainable development initiatives by providing funds for Turnback Partnerships, Context Sensitive Design, and TOD projects.
RTC Action Item – Approved March 2018  

Transit Program

Purpose: To assist regional partners with innovative transit projects and provide alternative modes of transportation throughout the region.
RTC Action Item – Approved July 2017  

Assessment Policy Program

Purpose: Implementation of a policy to assess the increased value of transportation improvements to adjacent property, so as development occurs along the project area the RTC is repaid for improvements funded along the corridor.

RTC Action Item -  Approved April 2019  

Local Bond Program Partnerships

Purpose: To leverage bond funds with local governments for projects of strategic importance in the region.
RTC Action Item – Approved October 2017  

Safety, Innovative Construction, and Emergency Projects

Purpose: To support operations, safety, innovative construction, and emergency improvements.
RTC Action Item – Approved April 2018  

Management and Operations (M&O), NCTCOG-Implemented, and Regional/Air Quality Programs

Purpose: To consider extending existing and funding new regional air quality and management/operations programs.
RTC Action Item - Approved April 2019
Staff Contacts: Christie Gotti, Ken Bunkley, Rylea Roderick, Brian Dell, Cody Derrick, Trey Salinas, Evan Newton, Omar Barrios, Shaina Singleton, James Adkins