Transit Planning Projects

Texas rail station dallas fort worth area


NCTCOG staff support local governments and transit providers in their efforts to improve existing public transportation services or implement new services that address their communities' needs. Additionally, staff develop the region's transit coordination plan, Access North Texas, which outlines key strategies to address the mobility and accessibility needs of seniors, individuals with disabilities, and individuals with lower incomes. Please contact us for assistance with planning, implementing, and funding local and regional transit services.

NCTCOG staff develop comprehensive, detailed, and environmentally focused studies in support of transit investments in our region. For example, current efforts include planning and implementation of high-speed passenger rail in the Dallas Fort Worth Region and connecting our region to other metropolitan areas. Staff are also engaged in efforts toward implementing High-Intensity Bus service along key toll-managed lane corridors in the region. The Regional People Mover Initiative will identify the merits of "last-mile" people mover technologies, assess opportunities, and evaluate the cost efficiencies of a single people mover technology and provider. Other areas of study include transit-oriented development station area and corridor planning. Additionally, NCTCOG staff is launching the Intermodal Transportation Hubs for Colleges and Universities Study, which will assess and assist in the planning and implementation of mobility hubs and serve as a conceptual guide for colleges and university campuses around the region.
NCTCOG staff are working toward developing comprehensive and coordinated transit planning and implementation plans for several areas in the region. Active study areas include: Collin County, Tarrant County, and Southern Dallas County. Upcoming regional studies include: Eastern Dallas, Kaufman, and Rockwall Counties (E.D.K.R. study), as well as Denton County.
The Metropolitan Transportation Plan serves as a blueprint for addressing the region's long-term multimodal transportation needs, of which public transportation is an important element. The current regional plan is Mobility 2045, adopted by the Regional Transportation Council in 2018 with an update scheduled in 2022.
For more information about current transit planning projects or initiatives, contact us at