Regional Tire Task Force

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is the state-designated planning agency for municipal solid waste in the 16-county region. NCTCOG works with local public and private sector leaders to analyze regional information, needs, and issues related to responsible and sustainable materials management.  The proper management of scrap tires is one significant challenge the North Central Texas region is facing.

There are few end markets for scrap tires and disposing of them properly is currently expensive and inconvenient, which frequently results in illegal dumping.  Illegally dumped tires are not just unsightly, but also pose environmental and health hazards by polluting waterways with contaminated stormwater runoff and attracting rodents and mosquitos which carry disease.  Prosecuting and remediating illegally dumped scrap tires is difficult and extremely costly which indicates that preventing tires from being dumped is the most cost-effective method for managing this challenge.

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Transportation Department, in partnership with the Environment and Development Department, established the Regional Tire Task Force in December 2021 to implement strategies to address the scrap tire related challenges faced by the North Central Texas region.  The Regional Tire Task Force participants will provide expertise and guidance to NCTCOG regarding the prioritization and implementation of these strategies.

Meeting Information

TCEQ’s Used and Scrap Tire Maintenance:

TCEQ’s Scrap Tire Resources for Communities, Local Governments, and Businesses:

TCEQ’s 2020 Scrap Tire Annual Report Summary:

TCEQ Website to Make an Environmental Complaint:

TCEQ Unauthorized Scrap Tire Sites:

NCTCOG Policy Bundle:

City of Houston’s Used and Scrap Tire Program:

North Central Texas Regional Model Tire Ordinance: